Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Clonus. NOT "Clone us."

Clonus NOT "Clone us."
Originally uploaded by lowereastside.
Ya know that movie The Island with Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson about escaped clones who exist only to supply their genetic counterparts with spare organs. I heard it sucked. (The days of me seeing every movie remotely resembling sci-fi are long over.) Something was bugging me about it. I kept thinking wasn't this an episode of The Outer Limits or something like it.

Well after some heavy research (google.) I got my answer. Strangely enough I had seen the entire story laid out in episode 811 of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Ya know the show where a guy named Joel and two robots rip bad movies a new set of sprocket holes. This particular edition made sport of Parts: The Clonus Horror with Peter Graves.

Is it Ironic that a clone movie spawned a clone or is it that they both SUCK?

"Parts: The Clonus Horror" cost $257 thousand.
"The Island" cost $120 million.
The only thing actually worth watching is the MST3K episode. Probably available here.

1 comment:

@DJNoRequest said...

not to mention it's title closely resembling a fantastic book by Aldous Huxley called "Island"
Now if they made a movie about that - it'd kill!

Anyway, check it out if ya get a chance - it's a really quick read full of "why aren't we doing that!?" scenarios and involves youths taking mushrooms as a mandatory rite of passage.