A NYC Subway Map for the SONY Playstation Portable (PSP.)
Fun, safe and crystal clear. (in fact you could even take the resolution down to save precious memory stick space.)
I am fairly sure I should say you may not use this map. It is not to be downloaded by clicking Here and dropped into a PHOTO folder on your PSP. It should also not be viewed using the magnifying glass (found when you push the triangle button.) And finally you should not use the Joystick to navigate thru the map.
Ok, that should satisfy the boys in legal.
UPDATE: This map was obtained from www.nycsubway.org and was designed by Michael Calcagno.
Eff the MTA!!
Yeah, what anonymous #1 said. Though I don't have the funds for a legal battle so I'm gonna be anonymous #2.
Shouldnt be a problem since this isn't the MTA's art. Anyone can make thier own map of a place..
Like NYC doesn't want people knowing how to pay to use the subway. LOL
better watch it, they might use their ~$1 billion surplus funds to go after you to collect some much needed licensing fees...
Here's Paris Subway:
(poo)pie, cheese(-based cow bombs) and (crapped on by )monkey mushrooms to the MTA.
Agree with what Anonymous #5 said.
Gimme a break! It's like the big dogs eating the little dogs. It's a map for god's sake. All it does is to help the public to use your system and make u money. shessh. It's the telling the MTA clerk not to give out subway maps to the public. This is a file copy which don't even cost to distribute out to the public. They should applause this idea instead of trying to take a licensing fee out of it. Pretty much like saying - u can go to www.mta.info and look at our map but DON'T SAVE it to your HD.
Nothing says love better than sticking it to the MTA.
Fare Hikes, Dirty Cars, Delayed Trains, Cancelled Trains. For a month after the last fare hike, every train I took was cancelled, delayed, combined with other trains, you name it. Then the Daily News says they have a surplus, and immidiately they speculate another fare hike in 2007. Stop sitting around speculating and do some WORK!!
Paris has a subway!??!?!?!!!?!
Of cause has Paris a subway. Even Moscow has one.
Like Moscow Moscow?
Let's see the rail maps for Chi-Town!
Yaw go on -
The MTA will give you a medal.
After all, they are public servants, or is it idiot savants.
Any rate, everybody will have a map and they can get rid of the booth attendants and conductors - which they are going to do anyway - makes things easier for terrorists.
Hey did you all know Boston has a subway too!?
Yeah its called "The T"
But get this... It closes at 1 am.
The T hee hee
aw c'mon I'm just bustin chops.
so wheres the maps for chicago?
cmon its so easy. Ive already done it. Now its someone elses turn. Though I admit IM making an NYC street map as we speak.
Just get the chicago map. make it into a jpg. as small as possible without making it ilegible and your done. Put it in the PHOTOS folder of your PSP.
I did Chicago (CTA) and Barcelona, Spain (TMB) (I'm going there on Monday!)
Here are links:
CTA: http://static.flickr.com/29/48207008_067cdf5be3_o_d.jpg
TMB: http://static.flickr.com/28/48207007_70ecbb2e95_b_d.jpg
wouldn't mind seeing a toronto one
what about a maryland one
now if some one could do the same for NJ it would be the bombdiggity
anonymous #11, moscow has one of the most beautiful subway systems in the world
Where the hell is Calgary's complex CTrain?!
you shouldn't be laughing. The dude who created i-pod subwaymaps for nyc got sued by the mta.
Uh guys... this map isn't official MTA map...it's my own design that's always on www.nycsubway.org
First...the guy who made this available on PSP should have asked me if he could do this...I wouldn't mind as long as he/she simpl y follow my request which isn't that hard to follow...he/she doesn't make any money off of any of my maps, he/she properly credited my name and the website I use to post my maps there, that's about it.
I've heard of all the BS with MTA going after ipodsubwaymaps.com about their official map...I know that the most safe way to post maps is to design YOUR own maps or ask someone like me to prevent having problems with their lawyers!
If you can give me the person's name/email address and/or website...I can tell that person not to worry but just ask next time he/she use any maps (also to tell that person not to worry about MTA because it isn't MTA official map!) :-)
27 comments to this whack ass post! nice to see people have as much free time on their hands as i do. hey dave if you're not doing anything constructive how about one of the SIRT?
BG, do you even have a PSP? I think you are just lookin out for SI. You've always been shaolin's biggest supporter.
Hey BG the SIRT is very easy, it goes in either one of two directions St George to Tottenville or vice versa.
MTA and Bart stopped a guy from offering subway maps for iPod story and link to site with maps http://www.ipodsubwaymaps.com
That's just awesome. Thank you.
you are and you will replace this subway card as of right now and that is an order because you do not replace any body's card's at all and do know this because I have friend's that have got a card from you and there card's Lost and you don not what to do any thing about it at all and you are and you will give me your manager as of right now and that is an order and you better do it as of right now and that is an order and you better do it as of right now and that is an order and you have one hour to give me your manager or else.
This is wonderful. Thank you so much. For someone who is not computer savvy, I was able to add to my wing and it works just fine. All I did was save it as a pic and add it to my external memory so that I can use it on all my other devices. I live in NYC but drive most times. Occasionally I need the subway. Thanks a million, T
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