“…at least I'm fucking trying. What the fuck have you done?”
With that said. Here is a place to download a PSP version of the vid I made to help teach myself Morse code. It is only a lil' 1.2MB .sit file so it’s worth a try.
And here’s a VERY quick how to: First, you'll need to create a new directory in the root folder of your memory stick called "MP_ROOT." You'll then need to create a "100MNV01" directory inside the MP_ROOT directory. You'll put the video files (M4V00001.MP4 & M4V00001.THM) in this 100MNV01 directory.
That's pretty basic stuff for a PSP user. Still, it sounds so geeky it drives chicks wild.
How about your rendition of Julius Caesar on an Aldis Lamp?
How about Å, Ä, and Ö for us scandinavians?-)
And numbers would be useful too...
73 DE O H 2 G X N
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