Friday, July 22, 2005

iDJ youDJ we all DJ... Just Not With This.

Originally uploaded by lowereastside.
This post could easily have been an Oh My God I So Thought Of That feature if not for the fact that What I thought of makes alot more sense. So consider this a product review.

Ok, lets have a look at this thing. Numark's IDJ mixing console. It looks great, all ipody and everything. But see here's the thing. See those 2 Ipods? Maybe one is yours and one is your roomate's. Maybe you have your old ipod and your new one (it accepts any model.) Chances are they are full of different songs. So you are playing Bounce, Skate, Roll and the dance floor is packed. You suddenly realize the perfect mix (obviously) would be coming into Slave's Watching You. The BPMs match and the feel is just right. BUT oh wait. Those songs are on the same I pod. And why wouldn't they be. Same genre, same era...

Here's what they should have done. Have an ipod dock on the left, on the right have a tilted elevated screen to match the left side. When you dock the ipod it emulates a copy of itself in some kind of cache which appears on the left side's "ipod screen." Now you've got all of your songs available all of the time, including what's playing. So unless I'm missing something in the descriptions I am reading Numark dropped the ball. My way the unit would have been alot more enticing to consumers who own only one Ipod and would be more useful to an actual DJ.

But its white with light blue markings and round edges so I am sure it will sell like... um... like ipods!

UPDATE: We have just recieved word from an anonymous commenter... "in case you guys dont know numark have just brought out the Numark Idj2 it only holds one ipod and YES you can play two songs from teh same ipod problem SOLVED!" GNF cracks the whip and industry falls in line. I brag about it HERE.


@DJNoRequest said...

sadly after realizing your point - there really is no reason to buy this.
I suggest you take your idea to a competitor to this company and this way you can make some coin and we'll get a better product!

Anonymous said...

yeah, this thing ain't perfect, but it's a good start. my only question: is the wheel thing as spotty as the iPod's internal fast-forwarding, or does the wheel thingy give you turntable-like control? i'll letcha know after i buy the damn thing.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. But a good DJ would mirror choice tracks on both iPods, just like buying two copies of vinyl. these devices are a bit overkill, and remove the 'small DJ setup' factor. Unlike my (shameless plug) own xFader product available now!

Anonymous said...

in case you guys dont know numark have just brought out the Numark Idj2 it only holds one ipod and YES you can play two songs from teh same ipod problem SOLVED!